January 23, 2012

12 Week Weightloss Challenge

So today is the first night of my 12 week weight loss challenge at my local Y.  In reality the challenge started last week but I was busy with steaks and moscato at a family birthday dinner (mmm, de-licious).  In all seriousness though, I'm pretty excited about this weight loss journey.  I feel like after 4.5 years and two kids later, it might be time to start in on this "baby weight" that's stacking up.  In all fairness, I was doing pretty good after the last baby but nursing till one year really did a toll on my portion control.  Turns out that when you stop nursing and burning those free calories all day, you balloon back up to day after delivery weight (they don't tell ya about that one on KellyMom, that's for sure).

So far so good though!  My husband was nice enough to follow through with my exact Christmas wish and get me a few personal training lessons.  I've committed to that once a week, attending cardio classes a couple other times a week, started running on Sundays and tracking my calorie intake with MyFitnessPal (I loooove this app).  During my Sunday run yesterday it suddenly dawned on me that I really don't hate this anymore.  In fact, I liked it!  I always wanted to be one of those crazy people that enjoyed running or working out, but thought they clearly had to be some sort of mutant alien.  Working out has suddenly become my morning cup of coffee (I knew I never liked that stuff for a reason).  If I don't get it, watch out.

Anyways, I'm too chicken to start off posting pictures or current weights... but let's just say I have a few pairs of designer college jeans calling my name & I will get there (no, seriously I have to.  I can't afford to replace them.).  So check back in approximately 10 weeks and I'll get you those pictures.... college jeans and all.

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