
Located in the NW area of Oklahoma, I offer a variety of local services while specializing in the design & management of new construction & remodeling projects.  For those located outside NW Oklahoma or looking for design advice on a tighter budget be sure to check out my E-Design services explained below.

New Construction & Remodeling Projects: 
Often new construction & remodeling projects can become a daunting process filled with lingering deadlines, countless decisions, and budget constraints.  In addition to design assistance with the specification of materials (including but not limited to: lighting, finishes, appliances, plumbing, hardware, paint, and surface materials), we'll also work together to get ahead of those deadlines & keep budget in mind.  By keeping organized, creating a unified vision, and staying ahead of deadlines, we can achieve the home of your dreams without the nightmares.
For samples of building worksheets, checklists, and shopping forms utilized to keep both us & contractors organized and informed, those can be viewed by clicking the following links:

Design Services:  
Design services are offered both locally and via e-design (for those outside of the NW Oklahoma area).  By utilizing both online resources and local resources to you, we can work together to achieve a space that is practical, beautiful, and falls within your budget.  We will work to source lighting, furnishings, accessories, and artwork to suit your personal style and tastes.
example of a general material selection 


How do design services work?:  

  • NW Oklahoma clients: If you are local to the area (Enid/Kingfisher/Stillwater metros), we meet as in-home consultations.  For new construction & remodeling projects, materials are selected from both preferred local vendors and in some cases online vendors.  
  • E-Design clients:  Communication is primarily via internet.  Because every project is custom tailored to each individual client and space, there is no one right way to operate.  Below I'll outline the basics of my preferred method of communication and how I create specifications so you can better understand this process. 

utilizing Pinterest for collaboration - see #4 below

  1. Obtaining your room measurements, current photos, inspiration photos and project budget.  I will also need dimensions of any furnishings that you would like to keep in the room, paint colors you will keep, and either swatches or quality photos of any fabrics you will keep in the room.  You will also be given a detailed questionnaire to fill out so I can better understand your needs and taste.
  2. Communication is preferred by either email or via Skype.
  3. Selections are made via online sources to fit your budget.  From Target to Horchow to Ebay, we will find selections that fit both your style and your budget.  These selections are to be purchased directly by you, the client.
  4. My favorite method of the exchange of ideas and initial selections is via Pinterest.  (see above photo)  The reason that I love this method so much is because it is the easiest way to show a photo, describe my thought process, likes/dislikes, have a running conversation about it, price it where it is visible at all times, and automatically holds a link back to where the photo was found or what store it is specified from.  We can both be contributers to the board and share/pin ideas to the same board for constant open communication and sharing of ideas.  
  5. Once the initial selections have been made and approved, a final detailed outline of each specification will be provided for you including where to purchase, prices, and color selections.  You will also be given a detailed floor plan, outlining exact placement of your furnishings and accessories.  

What is included with design services?:
  • Detailed selections will be put together in a PDF format.  This will include all of your finishes, furnishings, and lighting.  Each selection will include a detailed description of each item, the price, and how/where to purchase.  
  • A to scale 2D floor plan outlining the exact placement of each furnishing and material (will be based upon initial measurements obtained at the beginning of the project).  3D basic computer renderings of the space can also be generated for a small additional fee.
actual 2D vs 3D models outlining client's furniture placements

How much do design services cost?:
Price varies on the square footage of your project and the scope of your project (New Construction/Remodeling, Local Design, E-Design).  Email for a quote including your square footage, type of space, and a general overview of the scope of your project.

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