
So, who is Kate:  For starters, I'm a mom of two beautiful little boys and wife to a great husband.  He loves me not only for my perfected pork tenderloin marinade but also for my penny pinching, cheap ways.  I know, so cliche but true none the less.  This is good news for both my husband and my clients, for my kids... not so much.

The early years:  Born and raised in Dallas, I was introduced to design at a very young age.  Very, very young... picture an infant sleeping under a chair at a summer market.  My parents owned an amazing home accessory showroom in the World Trade Center (currently owned by my Aunt) where I spent school breaks working markets, unpacking accessories, and any other odds & ends that needed to be done.  In addition to the showroom, my mom owned an award winning home accessory company.  The combination of the two paired up with their love of flipping houses long before Ty Pennington started to 'move that bus', put me in the driver's seat to become an aspiring interior designer.

The later years:  I soon found myself following my father's footsteps and attended the University of Oklahoma in Norman, OK (Boomer!).  The next four years were flooded with good friends, good fun, and endless hours/nights hunched over a drafting table.  I spent my summers completing internships in both OKC and Dallas for residential & commercial firms.  After graduating with my bachelor's degree in Interior Design, my husband & I soon started our family and we relocated to OKC.  Over the past seven years I have been lucky enough to work for the largest of international design firms, on down to the smallest of design shops.  I've been lucky enough to work on Dallas penthouses on down to the smallest of drapery jobs in small town Oklahoma.  All of which have enabled me to become what I believe to be a very well rounded designer with a style all my own.

Currently: When my husband & I moved out to his small hometown recently, I wasn't sure how my bachelor's degree in Interior Design could ever fit in here in this simple town.  I've always known however that new construction and remodeling projects were at the very core of my designer life.  There's something about scouring through hundreds upon hundreds of lighting options and plumbing fixtures that really my heart racing (you too?  No?  Just me?  Well, OK then.)  So for today, I work and I blog.  I blog and I pin.  I pin and I wrangle children.  I wrangle children and I wrangle my husband.  It's a crazy job and a crazy life, but that's just the way I like it.

So here we go.  I hope you can find a few laughs and a few pieces of inspiration along the way.  I'm an open book.  Pick my brain, pick my designs apart, ask questions.... hire me (wink, wink).  Just jump right on in.

- Kate

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