November 17, 2011

Gold Sunburst Mirror

If you've been anywhere in the design world these days, you know a huge trend is the sunburst mirror.  Now, I'm not a big "trend" person.  If I loved it before it was a trend, then so be it.  If I love it after it's a trend, then so be it.  99% of the time though, I don't jump on the trend bandwagon until it's time hasn't started or it's come and gone.  With that in mind, this is a trend that I do love AND can we talk about that price?  I will give anything a chance if it costs me less than $30, thank you very much.  I know, I know... they aren't EXACTLY the same.  For the same "feel", you are definitely getting a pretty good "bang for your buck" here people.... especially when investing that dough in a trendy item.

Target:  $21.77 on sale (regular price $24.19)

Horchow:  $1,195.00

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