November 28, 2011


So over the past few days I've been helping out a good friend with the re-design of her living and dining room areas.  We live over four hours apart, so it was going to have to be strictly online design but I was up for the challenge once again.  She had a pretty good idea of what she was going for but just needed some help finding the right pieces and how to pull it all together.  Lucky me, she has flawless style and after 20 years of friendship I had a pretty clear idea of what exactly she would be up for.  She originally asked me to help her like she was burdening me or something (crazy girl).  Let me tell you something though, I think she probably wished she never asked!  ha.  I've been letting loose, getting back into the swing of design and realized how much I truly miss it all.  The hunt, the chase, the puzzle of putting it all together like it was meant to be all along... really gets my ticker going.

Over the past few months since our family relocated to a new town, I've put design on the back burner and have just been focusing on family.  Besides, it's hard enough to find good vegetables in season in this small town let alone designer couches and crystal lamps.  Kinda makes running a successful design business hard on a girl.  With much thought and consideration though, I've decided to get my feet wet once again and focus solely on e-design services.  SO, more on that will be coming soon (as well as our final decisions on my friend's room)!

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